Stakeholders & ChainPL DAO

Stakeholders in the ChainPL Protocol

  • Users: The primary beneficiaries of ChainPL, users enjoy the services offered by the protocol. ChainPL focuses on building and maintaining products that cater to users, offering them incentives like fee adjustments and Boost programmes.

  • Tokenholders: As secondary beneficiaries, tokenholders wield control over the ChainPL DAO, governing its assets and operations. They have rights over the fees generated by the protocol and primarily benefit from incentives in the Incentive Programmes. Additionally, they may also gain from specific uses of the Treasury.

  • Contributors: The final core group benefiting from the protocol. Contributors gain through experience and remuneration. Their benefits are subject to the decisions of the DAO and the availability of resources in the Treasury.

  • Cross-Over Stakeholders: Often, users, tokenholders, and contributors overlap, reflecting the diverse ChainPL community.

External Parties with Stake in ChainPL

  • Exchanges and Liquidity: Exchanges on which ChainPL builds receive increased liquidity from the user base, intertwining their relationships with both users and ChainPL.

  • Blockchain Ecosystems: Blockchains that host ChainPL often view it as a vital component of their ecosystem.

  • Commercial Partners: Companies providing infrastructure and other services see ChainPL as a crucial demonstration of their products’ capabilities and success.

ChainPL Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)

  • Organization Structure: The ChainPL DAO is the organizational embodiment of ChainPL, encompassing contributors, members, and the community to a certain extent.

  • Independence and Responsibility: While the DAO operates independently from the protocol, it bears primary responsibility for maintaining the protocol.

  • DAO and Protocol Distinction: Users should distinguish between what is controlled by the DAO and what falls solely within the domain of the protocol. For instance, in cases where users interact with the immutable smart contracts of the ChainPL protocol and encounter issues, the DAO may not always have the power or authority to rectify these issues.

  • User Interactions and Advice: Users are advised to interact with the ChainPL protocol through the official ChainPL frontend web application to manage interactions safely and effectively.

In summary, ChainPL operates through a balanced interaction between various stakeholders, with the ChainPL DAO playing a critical role in governance and maintenance, while ensuring a clear distinction between the DAO's responsibilities and the autonomous nature of the protocol.

Last updated