Functionality on Source Chains

ChainPL's Revenue Bridge has specific core functions that it applies to fees transferred by strategies on each blockchain. These functions ensure that the bridge operates efficiently and serves its purpose in the ChainPL ecosystem.

  • Cowllector Top-Up: The initial step involves using the collected fees to replenish the ChainPL Cowllector's balance, which is crucial for supporting harvesting operations on the chain.

  • Stablecoin Conversion: Subsequent to the Cowllector top-up, the bridge converts the fees into a predetermined stablecoin. This process prepares the funds for efficient and stable transfer across blockchains.

  • Selecting Bridging Solution: The Revenue Bridge then transmits the funds using the currently active bridging solution specified in the contract. While other bridging functionalities remain hardcoded within the bridge, ChainPL's Development Council retains the authority to modify the active bridging solution as necessary.

  • Routing Decisions: Depending on the specific blockchain and the type of asset being transferred, the Revenue Bridge selects the most appropriate route for transferring the funds back to Ethereum.

The operational flow of the Revenue Bridge, as outlined above, illustrates its critical role in managing and transferring fees across various blockchains. By integrating a variety of bridging solutions and ensuring flexible operations on source chains, the ChainPL Revenue Bridge stands as a key pillar in maintaining the efficiency and liquidity of the ChainPL ecosystem.

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